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PBase Guestbook for Paul Teixeira
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Adalberto Tiburzi28-Jan-2015 07:42
Paul, my compliments for the constance and coherence of your excellent work.
Guest 01-May-2010 17:17
Thank you for visiting my gallery. your work are verynice as well , I love your B&W work.

Take care

Guest 14-Nov-2007 22:36
thank you for your comments. I had a great time looking at your galleries... impressive work! Best Regards, Paula.
Guest 10-Nov-2007 17:03
you really are the best reporter! i envy your tecnique and the way you compose your images.
great works here!
Guest 11-Oct-2007 22:16
Hi Paul, thank you for visiting my website. Nice black & white gallery you have. Enjoyed looking.
Nogen Dameshghi05-Sep-2007 05:56
Thanks Teixeira for the comment I appreciate your work. I am am always impressed by the work of the journalist moreover as you were a photojournalist which case I am trying to become.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 09:09
Impressive I must say.
Cy Leong19-Nov-2006 20:45
ThanX 4 your nice compliments !
lovely work here, strong images.

best regards, Cy.
Guest 06-Sep-2006 16:54
Hi Paul!
I' ve found your gallery right now. Particularly one of your photos impressed me very much- you made a big smile on my face.
You shaw by doing your extraordinary work how you are lucky talented person...with passion.

Dziekuje; ich bedanke mich; thank you :)
Kind Regards,
Guest 21-Dec-2005 16:14
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for you!
Please take a look at my Xtmas postcard inhttp://www.archinect.com/gallery//displayimage.php?pos=-4617

Ana Luzia Raposo
Paul Teixeira23-Oct-2005 16:47
Hi Fabiana,

Thanks! It's a Portuguese name: I'm Portuguese/Spanish by birth.

Best regards,
Paul Teixeira
Hans Peter Roersma16-Oct-2005 19:20
Dag Paul,

Dank voor je aardige woorden over mijn gallerijtjes.
Jij kan er ook wat van ;-)

groet, Hans Peter Roersma
Guest 09-Oct-2005 11:26
Bedankt voor je commentaar op mijn site! Ik ben onder de indruk van jou foto's, er zitten echt prachtige tussen!! Daar kan een amateurtje zoals ik nog een hoop van leren en inspiratie mee opdoen!!
Pieter C. Brouwer27-Sep-2005 16:07
Volgens mij ben jij een fotograaf met liefde voor het vak, niet effectengeil maar gewoon pure fotografie zoals het is, in deze tijd is dat zeldzaam.
Igor Polotsky24-Sep-2005 18:02
Thank you kindly for you comment on my photo.
Cheers, Igor
Ferdi Wieling (Faux) 17-Jul-2005 21:07
Hmmm. Hier dan nog even zwart-op-wit een dikke veer in je achterste om toe te voegen aan het archief - top werk! :)
Guest 16-Jun-2005 08:15
I am impressed !
Prachtige gallery, heb je onmiddellijk aan mijn favorieten toegevoegd...
Macastat17-May-2005 05:35
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my Trauma Center series. Your work speaks for itself in beauty, truth and expression. I will be a better documentarian (and human) because of your photos.

Met vriendelijke groet,
-Dr. Tony Macasaet
John v.d.h30-Apr-2005 17:33
Ik heb echt genoten van jouw Gallery! You have a great eye for photography!

De Grondmij caught my eye, as I lived in Bilthoven for the first 18 years of my life!

Keep up the good work!

Guest 29-Apr-2005 14:33
Hi Paul...you believe i just saw your coment to one of my gallerys now??!!! And after seeing your superb photojournalism work here, all i can say is that i´m tremendously flatered to get a apreciation from someone as skillfull as you!!!

Ah, if you have time please take a look to my more recent works, were i used a new camera ;)
Menno Alberts10-Apr-2005 08:57
Beste Paul, ik heb genoten van je foto's en heb een behoorlijke tijd rondgehangen in je galleries. Mooie journalistieke fotografie, je foto's vertellen echt wat en dat combineer je vaak ook nog met een hele mooie compositie. Mooi werk! Ga zo door! Groeten uit Amsterdam! -Menno.
Bruno Torrão 05-Apr-2005 00:31
Olá Paul!
Vim parar ao seu site por mero acaso, ao procurar fotos de Lisboa, nos anos 80 e fiquei maravilhado, de tal modo, que acabei por me perder deliciado por todas as galerias! Excelente trabalho!
Continuarei a visitar sempre que me for possível, e farei por divulgar tão belo trabalho!
Guest 04-Mar-2005 21:33
you have some absolutely amazing images, I can't believe you ever gave it up!!! What a waste it would have been if you had not picked up your camera again.
jan schiphorst21-Feb-2005 22:32
Hello paul, I saw that you have visited my pbase-site . Thanks for your nice words. Be under the impression of the gallery 'people & their passion' and professor Herschberg remains unique.


Guest 19-Jan-2005 16:30
Hi Paul,

Thank you so much for stopping by my galleries.
I enjoyed looking at your people galleries especially the CEO portraits.
You are very good at capturing people's expressions and their souls...

Keep up the great work!

Guest 09-Dec-2004 20:22

You have an impressive colletion of fine images in your galleries. I remember seeing your "Professor Herschberg" portrait I think in one of the Canon forum challenges on dpreview some time ago and liked it a lot.
Thanks for commenting on my galleries, I'm very happy an experienced photographer like you would like my work.

Best regards,
Thijs Vervaat 08-Dec-2004 15:18

Foto van halve gezicht is leuk ! Ben wel benieuwd naar artikel in C Sharp plus geplaatste foto. Kan je me een exemplaar opsturen ?

Thijs Vervaat
Guest 06-Dec-2004 21:39
hi! thank you .. please have a look at my little story pics-gallery too, when you're passing by. I need some comments. have a nice day!
Danny Yanai03-Dec-2004 23:57
Dear Paul,
Thanks for your feedback on my Jaffa project work.
I had a brief look at your galleries (I'm tired and its 2am...) and I'm very impressed!
Wonderfull attitude to portraits. I'll revisit when have more time for depper look.
Skitch Scharff14-Oct-2004 22:08
Great photos Paul.
I enjoy to see your works.

Guest 13-Sep-2004 07:29
Great works Paul, simply love them!
josje 11-Sep-2004 12:51
Hallo Paul, prachtige foto,s !!!! Ben trots op je !!
jan 07-Sep-2004 20:38
some very good stuff here. actually, i think it is superior to your writing in terms of creative power.
go for some more color, it'll work out fine.
take care,
Guest 03-Sep-2004 02:58

Excellent work, your style is fantastic! I will explore in depth and regularly.

Guest 31-Aug-2004 15:29
Love your candid shots...
Very well executed...

Anna Yu29-Aug-2004 18:47
Thank you for your kind comment on my photo.http://www.pbase.com/image/32099493
Your photojournalistic pictures are wonderful.
Luís Pereira25-Aug-2004 13:04
adorei as fotos de Portugal nos anos 80's.
Um belo retrato de uma época.


Luís Miguel
FG 27-Jul-2004 09:10
Hi Paul,

My name is FG, a member of the PhotographyBlog community, living in Singapore. I have a daughter Ruth in junior high school, who is doing a term paper on professional photographers, and she would like to interview some of my "friends" who are active in professional photography.

Could I ask if you might consent to being "interviewed", probably via email, and could she quote you and your work in her term paper?

Ruth can be contacted at ChienLue91@hotmail.com

Guest 11-Jun-2004 21:01

Great images you have! I would like to know how you become a photojournalist? I'm currently looking into going to freelance photography. Thanks.

hans hendriks09-Jun-2004 17:46
Hoi Paul,

Ben wel benieuwd wat er in die paswoord beschermde galleries staat.
Patrick Val 27-May-2004 19:27
Echt een plezier om naar te kijken, deze foto's (op de die van de HCC na dan, maar dat heeft een andere reden;-). Ben onder de indruk! Ben nu ook bezig met wat hobby-fotografie (heb niet zo lang geleden een Canon G5 gekocht). Als er een keer wat interressants heb mail ik het je (btw wat is nu je mailadres?).

See you

Guest 26-May-2004 05:28

Bedankt voor jouw reactie op een van mijn foto's http://www.pbase.com/image/23398854). In jouw gallerij heb ik ook heel wat schitterende portretten gezien. Ga zo door!

Sjoerd Luidinga
Guest 06-May-2004 20:17
Hoi Paul,

Bedankt voor je positieve reactie op m'n fotogallery.

Ik heb het fotograferen herondekt door de intrede van de digitale camera's.

Wat een sensatie om lekker te experimenteren met photoshop etc.

Het voelt als de oude doka, zonder de chemicalien.

Nogmaals bedankt, het geeft altijd een goed gevoel als mensen het resultaat van je inspaninngen waarderen.

Ik kom echter nog niet in de buurt van de kwaliteit van jouw werk, maar ik blijf broberen. Ik heb er in iedergeval heel veel lol in.


Kees Dogterom
Jude Marion05-May-2004 13:20
Paul ...
Your galleries are a visual delight ... I am very impressed with the wuality of your work .. you have a great eye! Very nice!
thanks for sharing
Pedro Libório06-Apr-2004 21:15
Hello my friend,
you have such a fantastic work that it was a great honour to read your comment on my work. Thank you so much for that and for sharing such impressive works!!!
Paul Teixeira29-Mar-2004 14:55
Hi Jason,

In september 2003 a group of political organisations held a protest march against the policy of the Dutch government. The cutbacks proposed by the administration of prime minister Balkenende were the main issues that the organisations protested against.

Best regards,
Paul Teixeira
Jason28-Mar-2004 23:45

Got your note. Thanks. What were they protesting in 2003?

Jeff Cochran21-Mar-2004 15:11
Hello, I enjoyed your photos.Thx for sharing. :)
Guest 21-Mar-2004 08:27
And I did mean in a photojournalistic candid stlye !!
Guest 19-Mar-2004 06:56
Awwww , the King of Portraiture !!
monique jansen12-Mar-2004 19:38
Hi Paul,

thanks for your comments on my galleries - I particularly liked your senior citizens one and the one of people with a passion!
hans hendriks11-Mar-2004 20:25
Hoi Paul,

Bedankt voor de tip.
Ik heb alvast een proefabonnement genomen zie: www.pbase.com/hhf
Een creditcard is aangevraagd en ik hoop spoedig een groot aantal foto's te showen.
Overigens ligt de zoeker in Haarlem, waar ik volgende week regelmatig zal zijn.

photokhan10-Mar-2004 14:43
Thanks for your nice words on my gallery. From the name and some photo locations I see you're somewhat related to Portugal.
You have great shots here, I look forward to see more of your work (especially images from Portugal).
Take care and "nice shooting".
Guest 06-Mar-2004 12:04
I realy like your photos.

Guest 24-Feb-2004 17:03
thanks for you comment on my joshua tree photos.

Great work!

Guest 12-Feb-2004 19:12
Hi Paul, are you able to grant rights for any of your concert photos for commercial use? If so please drop me a line at dsmith@vzmultimedia.com.

thanks, davie
Guest 08-Feb-2004 02:48
Hi Paul,

Your galleries are so great! I loves your documentary and B & W photos. I can feel the emotion of the people and events under your shooting.

Best Regards
siu siuming07-Feb-2004 15:00
Hi Paul,

your gallery is really great !! especially the B/W & portrait part. Keep on your good work ! :D

best regards,
siu ming
Geoff Delderfield Photography06-Feb-2004 10:48
Hi Paul,

You have some outstanding work here. I especially like your photojournalism, it's simply stunning. Thanks for your comments in my galleries - means a lot from a photographer of your standard.


Dias dos Reis26-Jan-2004 16:38
Hi Paul,

Sorry, for taking me so much time to pay a visit to your galleries.
I have to tell you that your work has really imressed me. You're simply a master in composition and DOF usage.
Thank you for representing Portugal in such a superior level.

I hope we can keep in touch.
Saudações das Caldas,
António Reis
Phil Douglis26-Jan-2004 02:01
Thanks, Paul, for your comment in my guestbook. It's appreciated. I also enjoyed looking at your black and white photojournalism -- your images take me back to my roots. Love them.


Phil Douglis
Guest 24-Jan-2004 16:44
great storytelling everywhere--thx, Paul.
Guest 24-Jan-2004 11:37
Hi Paul,
Great mono work, its always good to see b/w reportage from someone who's mastered the techniques. Hope to see more. Cheers Dave Portus
elisa21-Jan-2004 20:57
Thanks a lot for visiting my galleries! You have so many beautiful shots here, I especially like your gallery about rural life in Northern Portugal: parabéns!
Jean-Luc Elias20-Jan-2004 18:54
Bedankt voor je reaktie op mijn foto's. U heeft hier trouwens zelf een uitzonderlijke collectie staan; recht uit het leven gegrepen.Zeer waardevolle fotojournalistiek maar niet voor iedereen bereikbaar.
Adalberto Tiburzi19-Jan-2004 08:10
I think that having a member like you is an honour for pbase and for all us.
Guest 18-Jan-2004 18:27
Thanks Paul, what a great Black and White pictures, I love them and tanks for you message...
Guest 18-Jan-2004 18:00
Hello Paul

Love your black and white photos. Thank you for your comments on my photos.

Guest 18-Jan-2004 07:29
Thanks for stopping by at my gallery Paul. You've got a great selection of black and white photos. I love the people shots! Keep up the good work.

Guest 17-Jan-2004 00:55
Hoi Paul,

ik studeer in Zwolle en doe GJ. Ik ben op het moment bezig met het inhalen van achterstanden, in maart ga ik op mijn eerste stage. Als alles goed gaat studeer ik dit jaar af.

Mooie foto's heb je! Ik heb er zo al eens doorheen gebladerd. Erg inspirerend, ik ga zeker nog een aantal nader bestuderen om wat ideen op te doen nu ik zelf van iemand (tijdelijk) een digitaal toestel heb geleend. Vooral je keuze voor zwart wit vind ik interessant; het is toch verbazend wat een verschil dat bij sommige foto's kan maken!

Groet, Anneke
Maurice Burke Photography11-Jan-2004 10:25
Thank you for your kind comments on several of my b&w photos. B&W will always be my first love. Excellent galleries, Paul. Take care, Maurice
Adalberto Tiburzi07-Jan-2004 22:23
Thanks for having appreciated my work in progress about Rome. I feel really honoured, being written by a journalist like you. Tomorrow I'll browse your site, seems very interesting, sure.
Andrys Basten05-Jan-2004 11:35
Paul, your photos have a lot of impact!
Thanks for the scanning work so that we can enjoy these.
Will return often to see what you've added.

John Smeets04-Jan-2004 12:12
i,m impressed excellent shots was a joy to browse trough your galleries
Guest 29-Dec-2003 23:00
Hi Paul! Thanks for the comments on my Street galleries! Glad you liked them!

Take care
Guest 29-Dec-2003 21:42
I loved many of your B & W pictures. Somehow they seem to be more powerful than color ones.
I live in Canada and enjoy stopping for Smoked Salmon at Schipol. All the best.
Guest 24-Dec-2003 16:26
Maravilloso trabajo
Feliz Navidad y próspero año 2004 compartiendo fotos
Guest 21-Dec-2003 16:48
Bravo for your photographies. Some of them are very interesting. It's true that digital photographie is exciting because your see immediately the verdict, so you can progress.
Please see my pictures on www.pbase.com/christianswiss and give me a commentary.
Christian Roux
Herbert Matthews 17-Dec-2003 16:14
Awesome pictures! Thanks for sharing them! Love the geeks in one of your galleries :-)
Jeroen Horlings 03-Dec-2003 09:45
(Dutch) Mooie foto's Paul! Met name je oude reeksen ben ik van onder de indruk. De nieuwe mogen er zeker ook wezen alleen vind ik zelf de vertekening van de groothoek soms wat minder mooi.