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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Some of my best shots > Pbase Oscar 2 on October 16 2007 DSC_0649.jpg
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Pbase Oscar 2 on October 16 2007 DSC_0649.jpg

Thank you - As of early this morning, I recieve my 10,000 comment on Pbase. I deeply appreciate them - your words of humor, ecouragement, and wit really bring joy and humor to my day. Thanks!

I have to admit that I had a little help - having a "psychic" cat that predicts death that was world wide news for a day does drive up your rate of comments.

So, Oscar - Take a bow! You are one very special kitty, that gives comfort to so many and all you ask for is Catnip and a good belly rub in return.

Pictured below is the author of the NEJM essay, David Dosa, M.D., - Congradualtions DAVID!!!

Nikon D80
1/30s f/4.0 at 24.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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royalld17-Oct-2007 23:51
Kudos to Oscar... but your galleries were popular world-wide long before Oscar's talents were discovered.
Congrats to Dr. Dosa, too.
Bryan Murahashi17-Oct-2007 06:31
Very cute captures of this special cat. V
Katie Chew16-Oct-2007 20:45
Great capture.