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artist06-Sep-2012 08:49
Hi.... I like your photos so much... you are really so creative photographer..

im an artist and i paint on canvas, paper etc ... I hope we can be good friends.
Brenda 17-Aug-2006 17:52
Excellent, love it!
Stephanie 19-Jul-2006 08:09
Keep up the good work
Maria 13-Jul-2006 14:54
Best regards from NY!
Chris Hillman01-Jul-2006 06:52
Good to see you have some new bodypainting galleries, the artistry and captures are superb, well done!
Klemen 11-Jan-2006 11:33
Men je tut v¹eè.
Guest 21-Jul-2005 06:49
zanimive zadeve !!!!
boris 01-Dec-2004 09:10
ta galerija pa mi je še bolj všeè, kakor prejšnja. je sodobnejša in likovno še bolj ugaja.